Aging Room
Aging Room has established itself as one of the most exciting, craft oriented cigar brands in the market, achieving many accolades. It is the highest rated boutique cigar brand in the world, consistently earning some of the highest ratings by Cigar Aficionado since the brand debut in 2011.
The ethos ‘Aging Room’ is instilled through founder Rafael Nodal’s passion for creativity and energy for life.
Shape | Length | Ring | Wrapper | Unit |
Vibrato | 6.00 | 54 | Ct, Nica | 20 |
Maestro |
6.00 |
52 | Ct, Nica | 20 |
Espressivo | 5.00 | 50 | Ct, Nica | 20 |
Concerto | 7.00 | 50 | Ct, Nica | 20 |
If we don't have the product you're looking for and would like to make a special order, please send us an email or call at
- 941-388-1562
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