Since its introduction in 1969, Punch cigars is yet a go-to brand for many cigar enthusiast. It still lives up to its name with a bold, full-flavored taste derived from its Ecuadorian wrapper and rich blend of Honduran, Nicaraguan and Dominican tobaccos. The large-ring Magnum and uniquely-shaped Champion frontmarks have earned 90-91 ratings from Cigar Aficionado and Cigar Insider.
Wrapper: Ecuador, Connecticut
Binder: Connecticut
Filler: Dominican Republic, Honduras, Nicaragua
Strength: Full
Shape | Length | Ring | Wrapper | Unit |
Champion | 4.5 | 30/60/44 | Nat, Mad, MM | 25 |
Double Corona | 6.75 | 48 | Nat | 25 |
Elite | 5.25 | 45 | Mad | 25 |
Pita | 6.13 | 50 | Nat, Mad, MM | 25 |
Presidents | 8.5 | 52 | Nat, Mad, MM | 25 |
Rothschild | 4.5 | 50 | Nat, Mad | 50 |
Slim Panatela (Tin) | 4 | 28 | Nat | 10 |
***Cigar Inventory is not tracked digitally as of yet***
If you are on a time limit call first to verify our in store stock.
**Individual Cigar purchase is available upon special request.**
If we don't have the product you're looking for and would like to make a special order, please send us an email or call at
- 941-388-1562
Email: benningtonsales@gmail.com
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