
Since its introduction in 1969, Punch cigars is yet a go-to brand for many cigar enthusiast. It still lives up to its name with a bold, full-flavored taste derived from its Ecuadorian wrapper and rich blend of Honduran, Nicaraguan and Dominican tobaccos. The large-ring Magnum and uniquely-shaped Champion frontmarks have earned 90-91 ratings from Cigar Aficionado and Cigar Insider.


Wrapper: Ecuador, Connecticut
Binder: Connecticut
Filler: Dominican Republic, Honduras, Nicaragua


Strength: Full

Shape Length Ring Wrapper Unit
Champion 4.5 30/60/44 Nat, Mad, MM 25
Double Corona 6.75 48 Nat 25
Elite 5.25 45 Mad 25
Pita 6.13 50 Nat, Mad, MM 25
Presidents 8.5 52 Nat, Mad, MM 25
Rothschild 4.5 50 Nat, Mad  50
Slim Panatela (Tin) 4 28 Nat 10


***Cigar Inventory is not tracked digitally as of yet***

If you are on a time limit call first to verify our in store stock.

**Individual Cigar purchase is available upon special request.**

If we don't have the product you're looking for and would like to make a special order, please send us an email  or call at

  • 941-388-1562

Email: benningtonsales@gmail.com

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